Home Celebrity Family Members Who is Andy Sussman? Meet Kevin Sussman’s Brother

Who is Andy Sussman? Meet Kevin Sussman’s Brother

Who is Andy Sussman? Meet Kevin Sussman’s Brother

Last updated on: October 28, 2024

Kevin Sussman plays Stuart Bloom in “The Big Bang Theory.” So far, we do know about the life and experiences he had during and before taking up that position. Who knows his brother Andy? Let’s dig a bit deeper about his life here.

Andy Sussman
Andy Sussman
Quick Facts About Andy Sussman Details
Full Name Andy Sussman
Birthdate N/A
Occupation Lawyer
Husband/Wife Lisa
Education Port Richmond High School; attended college and law school
Age 55+ (as of 2024)
Parents Mr Sussman, Mrs Sussman
Siblings Kevin Sussman (younger brother), Dan Sussman (older brother), Brian Sussman (older brother)
Children One son
Net Worth <$1 million (as of 2024)
Residence Boston, Massachusetts
Hobbies Reading, outdoor activities

Early Life and Education

Andy Sussman is from Staten Island, New York. He attended Port Richmond High School, just like his younger brother Kevin. The brothers were the same in their early years; their parents were both teachers. This probably helped develop a love for learning and knowledge in them.

Kevin Sussman with brother Andy Sussman
Kevin Sussman with brother Andy Sussman


Andy Sussman took a very different route than his brother Kevin. Kevin went off to become an actor; Andy decided to be an attorney. Andy graduated high school and then attended college and law school. Hard work paid off, so to speak, and here he is today practicing law in Boston.

Family Life

Andy Sussman is married to Lisa. Andy and his wife Lisa, along with their son, live in Boston. The couple loves their family life and spends most of the time with his wife and child. He ensures to manage work and family, regardless of his hectic career.

Andy Sussman with wife Lisa
Andy Sussman with wife Lisa

Relationship with Kevin Sussman

Andy and Kevin are very close to each other. They are born friends as they both have gone to the same high school and therefore are friends. Although they took up different careers, they support each other. Andy feels proud about Kevin’s achievements in acting and Kevin about Andy’s law achievements.

Interests and Hobbies

Aside from work, Andy Sussman has other interests. He is a bookworm, probably because his parents were teachers. Andy loves outdoor activities. Andy spends some quality time with family over the weekends.

Boston Life

Andy would really love Boston, especially due to its vibrancy and opportunities. It’s an extremely historic and cultured city. Boston is a super ideal place to raise a family and for professional growth.

Maintaining Privacy

He does not have much of a social life compared to his famous brother. This is the reason people do not know much about his personal life. He likes having his own space, remains silent, and avoids controversy. Andy is confined to his work and family. He keeps his life very personal since he does not have any sort of media attention on him.

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Family Ties

The Sussman family is a very close-knit one. Andy’s other brothers also play an important role in their lives. Dan Sussman, another older brother, lives in New York with his wife Felicia and their two sons. Dan runs a small shop and has a very fulfilling life there. Brian Sussman, another sibling, keeps a very private life. Details about him are scarce, but the family remains connected.

No Children for Kevin

Kevin Sussman does not have any children, but Andy does. Kevin Sussman has been married to Alessandra Young since 2006 until their divorce in 2017. Kevin Sussman got married to Addie Hall in 2023. Even though Kevin Sussman is one of the most successful actors, he doesn’t have any children yet.


Source: celebs.infoseemedia.com

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