Home Celebrity Family Members Discover Elisabeth Wilhelmine Böhnert : Sandra Bullock’s Grandmother

Discover Elisabeth Wilhelmine Böhnert : Sandra Bullock’s Grandmother

Discover Elisabeth Wilhelmine Böhnert : Sandra Bullock’s Grandmother

Last updated on: August 28, 2024

Elisabeth Wilhelmine Böhnert was a significant figure in the family tree of Hollywood actress Sandra Bullock. Born in Hamburg-Nord, Hamburg, Germany, Elisabeth’s life spanned a time of great change and challenges.

Quick Facts About Elisabeth Wilhelmine Böhnert Details
Full Name Elisabeth Wilhelmine Böhnert
Birthdate N/A
Occupation N/A
Husband/Wife Husband: Eugen Meyer
Age N/A
Parents Karl August Böhnert (father)
Marie Henriette Pauls (mother)
Grandchildren Sandra Bullock, Gesine Bullock-Prado
Children Daughter: Helga Mathilde Meyer
Net Worth <$1 million

Early Life in Hamburg

Elisabeth was raised in a home that emphasized hard work and knowledge. She was raised with a strong sense of resolve and tenacity by her mother, Marie Henriette Pauls, and father, Karl August Böhnert.

Sandra Bullock mother Helga Mathilde Meyer
Daughter Helga Mathilde Meyer

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Family Roots and Heritage

Elisabeth’s heritage traced back to Germany, where her ancestors had deep roots in Hamburg.

Life’s Journey and Challenges

Elisabeth encountered numerous obstacles throughout her lifetime that were typical of her era.

Legacy and Family Ties

Elisabeth left behind a legacy that went beyond her close relatives. Helga Mathilde Meyer, her daughter, who went on to become a well-known opera singer and vocal instructor, was deeply impacted by her.

Influence on Sandra Bullock

Elisabeth’s influence on Sandra Bullock, her granddaughter, was profound.


Source: celebs.infoseemedia.com

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