Home Celebrity Family Members Discover Rod Fowler : The Influential Father of Golfer Rickie Fowler

Discover Rod Fowler : The Influential Father of Golfer Rickie Fowler

Discover Rod Fowler : The Influential Father of Golfer Rickie Fowler

Last updated on: September 27, 2024

Rod Fowler has played a highly influential role in the professional career of Rickie Fowler and has been with him every step of the way. It will be interesting to learn more about who Rod Fowler is, along with his influence on his son.

Quick Facts About Rod Fowler Details
Full Name Rod Fowler
Birthdate 1960
Occupation Owner of a truck company
Husband/Wife Lynn Fowler (wife)
Education N/A
Age 64 years and 9 months old
Parents Not Known
Children Taylor Fowler (daughter)
Rickie Fowler (son)
Net Worth Estimated at $1 million (exact figure not publicly disclosed)

Early Life and Background

Rod Fowler hails from a family that believed in hard work and dedication. As such, he learned the value of perseverance early on. Rod later owns a truck company. This is a quite demanding business, but Rod ensures that he dedicates enough time to both his family and life at work. He was always there for his children.

Rickie Fowler with mother Lynn Fowler
Rickie Fowler with mother Lynn Fowler

Fatherhood and Family

He was a businessman with some morals and, along with this, a great father of two little ones: Rickie and his younger daughter named Taylor. Both Rickie and Taylor were raised by Rod with stern values; Rod would always make his children believe in the importance of working hard and staying focused on reaching their goals.

Rod had a peculiar bond with Rickie. Immediately after he was old enough, Rod initiated him into golf. He took him to the driving range and encouraged him to go out there and hone his skills. This is what jump-started Rickie’s passion for the game. He spent most of his weekends playing with Rod on the golf course, and they had some great times there.

Rickie Fowler with father Rod Fowler
Rickie Fowler with father Rod Fowler

Support was to be the key factor, especially during the early years, particularly for the junior tournaments. It was Rod who eventually cheered when Rickie won, as it was quite largely due to his son that he saw a future not many others would believe him about. This belief was to motivate Rickie to continuously push forward.

Supporting Rickie’s Career

As Rickie matured, he was making his mark in the golf world. Rod remained loyal to him. He became not only more than just a father but also more than an assistant, but also a coach and a mentor. He indeed used to support Rickie through all the ups and downs on the golf course.

He’s with Rickie when he became professional. He saw most of the tournaments Rickie played in. It doesn’t matter at all if Rickie wins or loses because his dad will always be there for him.

Rod also taught Rickie something else, like humility. He reminded him to keep himself grounded even with success. These are things that help mold Rickie into the person he is today.

Rickie Fowler with sister Taylor Fowler
Rickie Fowler with sister Taylor Fowler

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Family Life

There is no stoppage with Rickie since he has another daughter of a younger batch-Taylor Fowler. Taylor is very close to Rickie and grew up laughing together, undertaking all sorts of adventures together. Taylor is married to one Dave Lawrence. They have twin sons by the names of Maze and TY. Rod is overjoyed at being a grandfather and spends quality time with his grandkids.

Family is very important to Rod. He enjoys as much time as possible with his children and grandchildren. They reunite for special occasions and holidays. Rod likes to spend time making memories with his family. These are what he feels truly matter.

Rickie’s Family

In the meantime, Rickie Fowler himself grew up to be a family man. He married a gifted athlete and a popular social media personality, Allison Stokke, and they are also parents of a daughter, Maya, born on November 18, 2021. The couple welcomed a second daughter in the summer of 2024.

Rod likes being a grandfather. He does not stop showing pictures to everyone about his grandchildren. With some added performances from the family members, gatherings become laughter-filled and fun. Rod enjoys seeing his family grow.


Source: celebs.infoseemedia.com

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