Home News Bloomsday 2023 Celebrated with an Inspiring Short Film: Yes I Will Yes

Bloomsday 2023 Celebrated with an Inspiring Short Film: Yes I Will Yes

Bloomsday 2023 Celebrated with an Inspiring Short Film: Yes I Will Yes
Bloomsday 2023 Celebrated with an Inspiring Short Film Yes I Will Yes | Image source: Youtube

Last updated on: June 16, 2023

A Global Celebration of Literature

Bloomsday, an annual celebration of Irish writer James Joyce’s renowned novel Ulysses, is a day that literature enthusiasts around the world eagerly await. This year, Bloomsday 2023 was commemorated in a unique and inspiring way with the release of a captivating short film titled “Yes I Will Yes.” Created through a collaboration between the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland’s global network of Embassies and Consulates, the Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI), and partners worldwide, the film beautifully captures the essence of Joyce’s iconic work.

Uniting Talent from Six Continents

Setting the Scene:

From the bustling streets of Abu Dhabi to the vibrant energy of Amman, the short film “Yes I Will Yes” features talented performers from six continents, bringing together a diverse range of voices and cultures. The film is a celebration of unity and creativity, showcasing the global reach of Bloomsday.

Reimagining the Words of James Joyce

Bringing Ulysses to Life:

At the heart of “Yes I Will Yes” are the famous last words from Ulysses: “yes I said yes I will yes.” These words, spoken by the character Molly Bloom, have become an iconic symbol of affirmation and empowerment. In the film, performers from different backgrounds and locations interpret these words in their own unique ways, breathing new life into Joyce’s timeless prose.

A Collaborative Effort

Uniting Nations and Institutions:

The creation of “Yes I Will Yes” was made possible through the joint efforts of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland’s Embassies and Consulates worldwide, the Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI), and numerous partners. A total of 41 Irish Embassies and Consulates participated in this global project, showcasing the immense international support and interest in the celebration of Joyce’s work.

Premiere and Global Acclaim

Unveiling the Masterpiece:

The highly anticipated premiere of “Yes I Will Yes” took place on June 14, 2023. Audiences around the world were captivated by the film’s powerful portrayal of unity and creativity. The short film quickly garnered attention on various platforms, including YouTube and social media, sparking conversations and inspiring viewers to delve into the rich world of James Joyce’s Ulysses.

Embracing the Spirit of Bloomsday

A Joyful Celebration:

Bloomsday 2023 came alive through “Yes I Will Yes,” as it embraced the spirit of joy, affirmation, and inclusivity. The film encapsulated the essence of Joyce’s masterpiece and showcased the universality of his themes. Through the collaboration of talented performers from diverse backgrounds, the celebration of Bloomsday extended far beyond geographical boundaries.

Final Thoughts

“Yes I Will Yes” stands as a testament to the enduring power of literature and the ability of art to bring people together. This remarkable short film, created through a global collaboration, celebrates the legacy of James Joyce and captures the imagination of audiences worldwide. By reimagining the words of Ulysses and infusing them with their own interpretations, performers from six continents have crafted a beautiful tribute to literature, unity, and the spirit of Bloomsday.


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