Noah Rev Maurer - Josh Lucas & Jessica Ciencin Henriquez's Son

Meet Noah Rev Maurer: The Son of Josh Lucas and Jessica Ciencin Henriquez

Last updated on: December 9, 2024

Josh Lucas, an actor, is the father of Noah Rev Maurer. On June 29, 2012, he was born in New York City. Josh Lucas and his then-wife Jessica Ciencin Henriquez were thrilled to hear of Noah’s birth. Noah was the couple’s first child; they were married earlier in the year. Their baby boy was welcomed into the world with joy.

Jessica Henriquez and Josh Lucas son Noah Rev Maurer
son Noah Rev Maurer
Quick Facts About Noah Rev Maurer Details
Full Name Noah Rev Maurer
Birthdate June 29, 2012
Occupation Student
Husband/Wife N/A
Education School-age (elementary/middle school)
Age 12 years and 8 months old
Parents Josh Lucas (father), Jessica Ciencin Henriquez (mother)
Siblings None
Children None
Net Worth <$1 million (as of 2024)

Noah’s Early Years

Noah was born into a family that values creativity and care. His mom, Jessica, is a writer, and his dad, Josh, is an actor. Noah spent his early years in New York City with his parents. He also has a large extended family. His grandparents, Michele LeFevre and Don Maurer, are a nurse midwife and an emergency room doctor. He has an uncle, Devin Maurer, who is a film editor. His aunt, Kate Maurer, is a physician assistant. Noah is part of a family with a lot of different talents.

Josh Lucas son Noah Rev Maurer
Josh Lucas son Noah Rev Maurer

A Fan of Sports

Noah is a big fan of the Seattle Seahawks. He enjoys watching football games with his dad. Josh Lucas often talks about how much fun it is to watch games with Noah. This common interest is something they both enjoy. It’s a great way for them to bond and spend time together.

A Special Visit to the “Yellowstone” Set

Visiting film sets is one of the best things about being an actor’s son. At the set of “Yellowstone,” Noah Rev Maurer had the opportunity to see his father in action. It was a remarkable visit for them both. Josh Lucas described how Noah’s comment about his dad being a “fool” made everyone chuckle. It was a humorous scene showcasing Noah’s distinct character. Noah brought so much enthusiasm and energy to the shoot that the entire crew loved having him around.

Josh Lucas & Jessica Ciencin Henriquez's Son Noah Rev Maurer
Josh Lucas & Jessica Ciencin Henriquez’s Son Noah Rev Maurer

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Co-Parenting After Divorce

In 2014, Josh Lucas and Jessica Ciencin Henriquez divorced. It was a tough time for the family. But they found a way to make it work for Noah. They decided to co-parent. This means they both take care of him and spend time with him. Co-parenting is not always easy, but they do their best for their son. They work together to give Noah a stable and loving environment. Even though they are no longer married, they both want the best for him.

A Bright Future

Noah Rev Maurer is still young, but he already has a lot going for him. With a famous actor as a dad and a talented writer as a mom, he has great role models. His extended family is also full of interesting and talented people. As he grows up, he will have many opportunities to explore different interests. Whether he follows in his dad’s footsteps into acting or finds his own path, he will have a lot of support.

Jessica Henriquez with former husband Josh Lucas image
Jessica Henriquez with former husband Josh Lucas image

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FAQs About Noah Rev Maurer

Who is Noah Rev Maurer?

Noah Rev Maurer is the son of actor Josh Lucas and writer Jessica Ciencin Henriquez. He was born on June 29, 2012, in New York City.

How old is Noah Rev Maurer?

As of April 2024, Noah Rev Maurer is 11 years old.

Are Josh Lucas and Jessica Ciencin Henriquez still together?

No, Josh Lucas and Jessica Ciencin Henriquez divorced in 2014. They co-parent Noah Rev Maurer, which means they share responsibility for raising him.

Does Noah Rev Maurer have any siblings?

Noah is the only child of Josh Lucas and Jessica Ciencin Henriquez. However, he has a large extended family, including an uncle named Devin Maurer, who is a film editor, and an aunt named Kate Maurer, who is a physician assistant.



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